Simisola Gbadamosi is an exceptional 13 year old girl popularly known for playing, Tola, in Iwájú, Disney’s original animated science fiction miniseries set in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria. Iwájú, an exciting coming-of-age story follows Tola, a young girl from the wealthy island, and her best friend, Kole, a self-taught tech expert, as they discover the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds. As the main character in Iwájú, Simisola is emerging as a cultural ambassador, inspiring young girls around the world to shoot for the stars and shine brightly!
Q: Tell us briefly a bit about yourself and what are some fun things or some of the favourite things that you love to do, anything you feel like you want to share?
My name is Simi, I am thirteen years old. I am obsessed with books. I really love to read. I also love baking and generally just hanging out with my family and friends. I have a little sister and we enjoy cooking, baking and playing games together.
Q: So let’s go to your role in iwaju, how did you get the role to be a voice actor on iwaju?
Sometime in 2021, Road14 studios sent out a casting call. Casting calls typically target an age range and the call was sent to their mailing list. My mum saw the call, asked me if I was interested, I said yes, auditioned and got the role. I had no idea I had auditioned for a Disney role! Imagine my shock and excitement when I realized it was Disney!
Q: Nice! I like that, but how did you feel the first time you tried voiceovers or voice acting? Have you been doing this before? Was this your first time?
It was my very first time. After I got the role, my parents enrolled me in voice lessons which helped a lot.
Q: Wow! So when you auditioned, it wasn’t like you were already a voice actor or something. What convinced you that you could do it?
Well, people around me always teased me saying I sounded like a cartoon character. Maybe that made think I could do it! But I also got lots of encouragement from my family to just give it a shot.
Q: I like that. Okay, so you just said something about people around you encouraging you. So who are three super cool women that you look up to right now?
Michelle Obama, My mom and Kamala Harris.
Q: Oh wow! Okay. So what do you think makes them awesome?
They all do wonderful things. My mom is my cheerleader, amongst other things. Kamala Harris, I believe is the first female vice president of the United States. For Michelle Obama, I feel like there’s this light around her.
Q: I love how you speak. For your age, you speak so well. So let’s talk about how using your voice has made your life fun. Since you were a voice actor for Iwaju. How has it changed your life so far. Have you been like a celebrity? Do your friends look at you like Oh my God that’s Disney Simi
Well life has been pretty normal. I still do chores, get scolded, have lots of homework, get told no by my parents, regular teenage stuff. There have been a few memorable events though. For example, walking around in Lagos and being recognized as the “the girl from Iwájú” never gets old. We also have this news segment during assembly at school and after the premiere, Iwájú was announced during assembly. That was cool!
Q: Whoa! How did that feel? Did you have goosebumps. What was it like?
Yeah I kind of wish I could go back to that day
Q: So let’s talk about how your mom and dad have really helped you. I know that you mentioned your mommy as one of the most amazing women in your life. So let’s talk about how your mommy and your daddy have helped you so far, harnessing your talents, just like you are a voice actor, and even your hobbies. You said you like to bake. I’m still coming to that. So how have they helped you? How have they made you more creative or cheered you on?
Both my parents are my loudest cheerleaders and support all my interests, no matter how random. I’ve always loved baking and on the night of my 5th birthday, my mom asked me if I wanted to start a baking business. I said yes and even won an award for starting a baking business at such a young age. Although I still bake and cook till date, I don’t run the business any more. And my dad is such a comedian. He always knows how to make me laugh when I’m down.
Q: Oh, nice. Okay, so what do you want to become? Now you’re a baker, you’re a voice actor. You are just amazing. But what do you want to become when you grow up?
II would really like to become a fusion of a voice actress, an architect and an interior designer.
Q: Wow! What makes you think about architecture at this age?
My parents have been intentional about making sure I see the world. They’ve taken my sister and I to different places in the world, and I’ve seen so many beautiful buildings that have inspired my appreciation for architecture.
Q: Okay that’s beautiful. Let me ask you, what would you say to kids who want to be as creative as you are and try new things? What would you say to them?
Don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up. Just try things! Have fun!
Q: Do you want to share with us a few places you’ve traveled to and you’ve seen really beautiful buildings?
The Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the pyramids in Egypt were very cool. The capitol and the white house in Washington, DC. I think that’s all I can remember now. Oh and in Atlanta, there are these two buildings that are identical except the top of both buildings are different and my cousin told me they’re called the King and Queen buildings.
Q: We should give your mom and dad a round of applause for these many travels. Now let me ask you, if you were to be a character in any movie or a book, which would you be?
My favorite book is Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Adichie but I don’t know about being a character in that book. It’s a very good book though. What book or movie would I like to be in? inside Out 2. Yeah, I think I would like to be a character in Inside Out 2. I enjoyed it a lot!
That’s amazing! Thank you so much. Simi, this was really beautiful having a conversation with you.
NOTE! Simi was interviewed by RW under the supervision of her mother Mrs Foluso Gbadamosi in adherence to our child safeguarding policy