Spotlighting Remarkable Women and Girls

Her Worth: A Woman’s Greatest Power

By Emmanuella Abraham Let’s talk about something that goes beyond beauty, beyond achievements, beyond the roles society has placed upon us. Let’s talk about worth. It’s a subject so profound yet so often misunderstood. We hear phrases like “know your worth” tossed around in motivational speeches, social media captions, and even advertisements. But what does […]

Modern Dads: Redefining Parenting Roles

By Zamie Ayo In today’s world, the old idea of fathers being just providers is changing, and they are becoming more involved and caring in family life. Modern dads now take active roles in parenting, such aschanging diapers, going to parent-teacher meetings, reading bedtime stories, and packing school lunches. This change shows how society is […]

Redefining Wellness: Moving Beyond the Traditional

By Ese Ogaga Wellness for women has been narrowly defined for too long focusing primarily on physical health andoutward appearances. Yet, true wellbeing is much more than fitness routines or weight management. Itis a balance of physical, mental, emotional, and even hormonal health that empowers women to thrive inevery aspect of their lives. Redefining wellness […]

SUSAN CAIN: Redefining Success withthe Power of Quiet

By Emmanuella Abraham Imagine thriving in spaces that constantly demand boldness, charisma, and a loud voice when your natural strength lies in thoughtful observation and deep focus.” For years, Susan Cain lived this paradox. As a Wall Streetattorney with a Harvard Law degree, Cain excelled in a highstakes environment but often felt disconnected from a […]

Let’s Talk: The Opportunities We Need to Unlock and Embrace in 2025

By Francisca Sinjae 2025 is already a moving TRAIN, Visualize this in your mind “ Everycoasting of this said Train requires a leap of Growth” and we aregreeted with a unique chance to reflect, innovate, and grow whichwhen Embraced we can significantly enhance our lives and career. Let’s dig deep into 6 (six) opportunities we […]


Welcome to the 11th issue of Raising WomenMagazine, your companion for insight, inspiration,and empowerment. This edition features Susan Cain,bestselling author of “Quiet,” who redefinesleadership by celebrating introversion. We also speakwith artist Kenechi Amamgbo on creativity in an AIdriven era. As January concludes, we share tips on the buildingblocks of well-being, from transformative healthhabits in “Becoming […]

Global Tea Adventures: Sip Your Way Through Japan, Morocco, and Beyond

By Zamie Ayo Tea is more than just a drink, it reflects the heart of a culture. Around the world, tea traditions have developed over centuries, showcasing the unique history, rituals, and tastes of each community. Whetherit’s the careful preparation of Japanese matcha, the warm hospitality of Moroccan mint tea, or the refined charm of […]

The Unspoken Rules of Borrowing Clothes from Your Bestie

By Emmanuella Abraham You know the feeling. You’re staring at your closet, surrounded by a sea of clothes, yet somehow, there’s nothing to wear. Panic starts to set in… tonight’s event is big, and your wardrobe just isn’t giving what it’s supposed to give. That’s when it hits you: your bestie’s closet. Her perfect top, […]

Marriage Pressure: The Silent Race You Don’t Have to Run

By Daniel Agusi Marriage. It seems to be the headline everywhere you look these days, doesn’t it? From countless Instagramengagements to picture-perfect weddings flooding our timelines, it feels like marriage has become the ultimate goal, the one thing everyone is racing toward. Last year alone, it felt like every other post online was either anengagement […]

The Bold Wealth Breaker: Rihanna’s Journey to Generational Legacy

By Francisca Sinjae In a world where many are born into the “OLD MONEY” I mean wealth and privilege , some exceptional individuals carve out paths of extraordinary success entirely on their own. These are the “wealth breakers” women who bruised the head limitations of their origins to create a legacy of abundance not just […]